

A Program of the Simon Family Foundation

In 2002, Ron Simon and his children, Steve Simon and Dr. Kathy Simon Abels, formed a family foundation and established the Simon Scholars Program in Orange County. A child of immigrants, Ron had achieved the American dream through his hard work in building a successful manufacturing company. Wanting to give back to the community, the Simon family decided their mission was to assist students with difficult life and economic circumstances.

As the Simon Scholars Program evolved, Steve and Kathy realized that financial aid alone was not sufficient to address the challenges the Scholars faced. In 2005, they began conceptualizing and implementing a new approach for the Simon Scholars Program and started their own chapters in their respective communities. Today, the Simon Scholars Program supports over two-hundred twenty underserved students every year.


Enabling Growth Through Private Equity

RSI EP invests our own capital and real-world business-building and operating experience to help businesses achieve growth and success.